I lost hope. I lost hope completely that I am going to lead a peaceful life in a peaceful world.
The world is in mourn everyday.
Everyday, Everyday I saw a war against humanity in the name of religion or something.
And today it is even worse. It happened against innocent lives those who doesn't even grown up enough to understand this shitty world.
What do I call these people who raged such an unbearable or unacceptable firing against those innocent children.
Terrorists, cowards, *********************
What do I call those people who supported these nerveless cowards for all these days in the name of religion and today expressing their grieves over the incident happened.
Traitors, Betrayers, Blood leechers, *********************
The guns are always in the wrong hands.
The supporters are always backing the wrong cause.
And the victims are always the unarmed innocents.
I am sorry for Pakistan for the unbearable loss of young bloods happened today in their own soil.
And I am sorry for the entire world and human kind that these things aren't going to end here.
They are definitely going to continue for the rest of our lives.
And we are going to mourn and grieve everyday for the rest of our lives.
Need to bear these wounds willingly or unwillingly.
Because Mankind is evil. It does only want violence against everything and the mankind itself.
It is not a worthy living in this divine earth.
It is more clear that one day it is going to destroy itself without leaving a single trace of its existence.
I honestly dont want the existence of these disgusting beings in the earth anymore. At least for the sake of other earthlings who appreciate their life and existence than these cruel blood leechers.
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