Venus Transit - 5th june 2012 On June 5,6 2012, The Planet Venus is going to pass between the sun and the earth. Which can be seen from most part of the earth. It will not happen again until 2117( almost until 105 years). The most recent Venus transits are dated as follows december 7,1631 , december 4,1639, june 6,1761, june 3, 1769, december 9, 1874, december 6, 1882, june 8, 2004. NASA is planning to celebrate the event as "Shadows of the Sun" - The Transit of Venus. Since it is an important event in the astronomical history, People from all aroung the world are eager to watch it. The venus transit is visibe to a protected naked eye. The venus transit time is estimated as 6 hours and 40 minutes by NASA. Many Institutions and organisations arranged events on that special event. Nasa also collaborated to different organisations around the globe to celebrate "Shadows of the Sun" In India, arranged an event that people from all over
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