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Mikroelektronika - for electronic hobbyists to innovators

Mikroelektronika - The perfect platform for innovation

This is not a promotional post. Its just a personal opinion of mine. Yes, I am using mikroelektronika's development tools. I am a fan of mikroc compiler (mikroc pro for pic). I have been using it for the past couple of months. Since i started to using it. i am amazed by its plenty of libraries (for almost all the commonly used electronic devices and microcontrollers). At the start of my projects i struggled with the registers of my microcontroller. But when i post my code and my problem in their forum. I get instant solutions regarding the changes in my code and the circuits. and then i dared to do new things daily with their products. Their support team doing awesome job by solving and responding to user queries. Though my questions are silly since i am a beginner, their team responded to my queries very humbly and constructively

Their support team greatness can be understand by the following incident.
a few days ago, i am struggling to interfacing a lcd to my microcontroller. so i approached them.
they corrected the mistakes in my program. moreover one of the team member connected the microcontroller as designed by me, tested it with my program and posted the results. thus the team give importance to its users. and so i am inspired to write this post about their work. Hope their work continues and many beginners such as me become an innovator.


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