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The Metaphysics meaning, definition, quotes, books, pdfs, etc


It is branch of philosophy which deals with examination of nature of reality. It is concerned about the existence of god, the external world etc. on shorthand the metaphysics is a philosophical study attempts to answer two basic questions what is there? and what is it like?.


Metaphysics is a philosophical study which is mainly dealt with the first principles such as being and knowing.

In a Brief

Metaphysics is study related to philosophy and not science. It has some combinations of spirituality, philosophy, reincarnation, life after death, religion, inbound peace, etc. Although its not only belonged to any religion, it is seen wider existing in almost all the religions. Its full of empirical thoughts that are not or cant be experimentally tested. It deals in providing thoughts for the behavior of nature, lives, universe etc which cannot be fully detailed in science. Its motto is learning through being and knowing. The questions of a meta physicist is broad and are not solved by the experiments by science. some of the typical questions are. What is our life's motto?
What is the purpose of the universe?
What happens after death?
Thus the questions are focussed on the existence of god, after life and some mythical purposes of life. So metaphysics generally answering for questions that are not solved by science. Scientists dont accepts these answers although the meta physicists do.

Quotes on metaphysics

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”
- Terry Pratchett
“If it turns out that there is a God...the worst that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever.”
― Woody Allen
“belief is the death of intelligence.”
― Robert Anton Wilson
“From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of each other - above all for those upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labors of my fellow men, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.”
― Albert Einstein
“Inevitably anyone with an independent mind must become 'one who resists or opposes authority or established conventions': a rebel. If enough people come to agree with, and follow, the Rebel, we now have a Devil. Until, of course, still more people agree. And then, finally, we have --- Greatness.”
― Aleister Crowley
“I suppose therefore that all things I see are illusions; I believe that nothing has ever existed of everything my lying memory tells me. I think I have no senses. I believe that body, shape, extension, motion, location are functions. What is there then that can be taken as true? Perhaps only this one thing, that nothing at all is certain.”
― René Descartes
“...reality is always plural and mutable.”
― Robert Anton Wilson
“The world is, of course, nothing but our conception of it.”
― Anton Chekhov
“Why are there beings at all, instead of Nothing?”
― Martin Heidegger
 “Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.”
― Nikola Telsa

Books and PDFs related to metaphysics

Metaphysics of morals - pdf - by Immanuel Kant
The metaphysics of virtual reality - pdf - by Michael R. Heim
The metaphysics of modern existence - pdf - download - by Vine Deloria
The metaphysics of morrow mind
The metaphysics of notation by mark applebaum
The metaphysics of death

Videos on Metaphysics

Imaanuel kaant metaphysics

Physics, metaphysics and the big bang


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